Reverse Code Engineering RCE CD +sandman 2000
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;* Show87 - Copyright (c) 1988, 1993 by Borland International, Inc. *
;* CONVERT2.INC - Include module for Show87 *
; 8087 Number Conversion Routines
; These are routines to convert from floating point to integer numbers. All
; registers are preserved except those used to return parameters. All
; parameters are passed through registers. It is assumed that DS = ES = CS.
; Convert a floating point real number to a
; decimal integer and a base ten exponent.
; Expects the number to be converted in ST and
; the number of significant bits (i.e. bits to
; place in the significand) in AX. The
; significand integer value is returned in ST
; and the signed exponent is returned in AX.
Flt2dec proc near
push bp
sub sp, 8
mov bp, sp
fstcw word ptr [bp] ;save control word
mov word ptr [bp+2], 03bfh ;new control word, round
; to nearest
fldcw word ptr [bp+2] ;load control word
mov word ptr [bp+4], ax
;--- convert number
fld st(0)
fxtract ;extract exponent
fstp st(0) ;pop top (significand)
fisubr word ptr [bp+4] ;subtract bits for significand
fldl2t ;load log2(10)
fdiv ;divide, get 10**X
frndint ;round to nearest
fist word ptr [bp+6] ;save exponent
call Exp10 ;get exponent factor
fmul ;adjust real number for exponent
;--- finished
fldcw word ptr [bp] ;restore control word
add sp, 6
pop ax
neg ax
pop bp
Endp ;Flt2dec
; Calculate 10 to the power of ST. Return result
; in ST. Uses 10**N = 2**(N*Log2(10)).
Exp10 proc near
fldl2t ;load Log2(10)
fmul ;multiply
call Exp2 ;raise 2 to ST power.
Endp ;Exp10
; Calculate 2 to the power of ST. Return result
; in ST(0).
Exp2 proc near
push bp
sub sp, 6 ;room for local data
mov bp, sp ;start of local data
fstcw word ptr [bp] ;save control word
mov word ptr [bp+2], 03bfh ;new control word, round
; to nearest
fldcw word ptr [bp+2] ;load control word
;--- for 2**X, where X = W + F or X = W - F, where W is a whole number and
;--- F is between 0 and .5 (inclusive), ST gets F and ST(1) gets W
fld st(0) ;duplicate number
frndint ;round to integer,
; ST => W
fxch ;exchange
fsub st, st(1) ;get difference,
; ST => F
;--- check sign of fractional portion (F)
ftst ;set flags
fstsw word ptr [bp+4] ;save flags
and byte ptr [bp+5], 45h ;mask relevant bits
cmp byte ptr [bp+5], 1 ;check negative bit
ja Exp2err ;jump if other bits
; set, error
je Exp2neg ;jump if negative
;--- fractional part is positive for
f2xm1 ;ST => (2**F) - 1
fld1 ;load one
fadd ;ST => 2**F
fxch ;put whole portion (W)
; on top
fld1 ;load one
fscale ;ST => 2**W
fmulp st(2), st ;ST(2) => (2**F) * (2**W)
fstp st(0) ;pop stack
jmp short Exp2don
;--- fractional part is negative
Exp2neg :
fabs ;take absolute value
f2xm1 ;ST => (2**F) - 1
fld1 ;load one
fadd ;ST => 2**F
fxch ;put whole portion (W) on top
fld1 ;load one
fscale ;ST => 2**W
fdivrp st(2), st ;ST(2) => (2**W) / (2**F)
fstp st(0) ;pop stack
;--- finished
Exp2don :
fldcw word ptr [bp] ;restore control word
add sp, 6
pop bp
;--- zero or error
Exp2err :
fstp st(0)
fstp st(0) ;clear stack
fld1 ;return one
jmp Exp2don
endp ;Exp2